About Counselling and Coaching

I feel desperate. Please help me.

I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way. Hang in there because there is help available. You can call the Samaritans right now on 116 123 or look on the Useful Links page to find other helpline numbers. I can’t help if you are in immediate crisis but if you can wait to book an appointment and [...]

I feel desperate. Please help me.2020-05-18T09:35:06+00:00

What does confidential mean? Will you talk to my employer or GP?

Everything discussed stays between us. I will not contact or share information with your employer, GP, family, or anyone else, nor would I disclose the fact you are attending sessions if someone asks. There are always exceptions to complete confidentiality, but these are extreme and only occur where I am bound by law or concerned about [...]

What does confidential mean? Will you talk to my employer or GP?2020-05-18T09:22:57+00:00

I don’t just want to talk. Do you offer practical advice?

The definition of ‘advice’ is ‘guidance and recommendations’. Sometimes I might suggest various exercises or resources to help manage anxiety or depression, or to understand your history, or to change how you are behaving in a current relationship. But the exercises are a way of helping you to understand more about yourself and learn to [...]

I don’t just want to talk. Do you offer practical advice?2020-05-18T09:22:12+00:00

I want to feel better as soon as possible. Can you fix me?

No. I can’t fix you. You’re not a broken boiler with a manual that says what isn’t working. You’re a complex and unique individual with a lifetime of your own, very personal, experiences. And a bit like if you break your leg, the doctor can diagnose that and give you a cast, but it will [...]

I want to feel better as soon as possible. Can you fix me?2020-05-18T09:21:43+00:00

I feel so lonely. Can I just come to talk?

Loneliness is horrible and draining. I’m so sorry if you’re feeling that way and, sadly, a lot of people do. Therapy isn’t just a place to come and talk though. It’s not just having a chat. If you are feeling lonely then there will be reasons, either your circumstances or how you feel about yourself, [...]

I feel so lonely. Can I just come to talk?2021-07-09T13:30:02+00:00

What kind of problems can you help with?

I work with all kinds of problems. The most common are anxiety and depression as these come in many forms and can be current and new, or you’ve felt them for a long time. Other problems that I can help with are loss and bereavement, stress at work or in your work-life balance, low self-esteem [...]

What kind of problems can you help with?2020-05-18T09:20:10+00:00

I tried CBT but it didn’t work. Can you help?

I work with a lot of people who have had CBT and it usually helps to some extent. It’s a very practical therapy and will teach you tools and techniques to manage your everyday situation better. But it doesn’t really help you understand your history, and, although you can learn to change your thoughts and [...]

I tried CBT but it didn’t work. Can you help?2020-05-18T09:19:43+00:00

I’ve been recommended CBT. What is it and why was it recommended?

CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy and it works by looking at you how your current thoughts affect your behaviours. We all have ‘negative’ thoughts but if you have too many, or they are too unhelpful and give a distorted view of your reality, they can negatively affect how you behave in the world. For [...]

I’ve been recommended CBT. What is it and why was it recommended?2021-07-09T13:30:59+00:00

What happens in a session?

As all our sessions will be online, you make yourself ready for the call in a quiet, private place and click on the link. Each session lasts 50 minutes and there is a bit of a beginning, middle and end, but it’s not formal. There is no fixed agenda and the session flows like a normal [...]

What happens in a session?2021-07-08T05:14:43+00:00


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